Now you can book for Online Appointment for Shopping in Kuwait / Shopping Appointment Booking Online in Kuwait through the website This Online service is for citizens and residents to book a Shopping appointment during the curfew hours
- Service provider: Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Country: Kuwait
- Services on the website: Book Appointment for Shopping, Search Appointment, Cancel Booking, etc.
- Languages: Arabic and English
- Website:
How to do Shopping Appointment Booking Online
- Visit the website
- Select the preferred Language from the dop down in the Menu
- Enter your Civil ID, Civil Serial, Name, District, Cell Phone Number, E-mail Address, Booking Destination and click on Choose the Market
The booking details will be emailed you the given email address, Please make sure you entered your email correctly
You can even Search already done appointment by clicking on Search Appointment and Provide details like Civil ID, Booking Reference, and click on Search.
You can even get an appointment at curfew time also which helps to do the shopping even Curfew time also. If the appointment time is during curfew hours then you will get two barcodes, one for allowing you to leave your house during curfew hours and the other one for the co-op to allow you to shop.
You can choose a date and time to shop in your areas central co-op or its branches there crowding and long queues in front of co-ops and shopping centers will be reduced and the smooth shopping experience will be gained and also eliminate the spreading of coronavirus. More shops will be added in the coming days if this initiative is succeeded.
Hi I booked appointment today for the civil I'd: number 60053143.But I didnt receive any booking details to my email